Current Conditions

Wind Speed N/A
Wind Dir N/A
Gust0 mph
Gust Dir N/A
Temperature N/A
Dewpoint N/A
Humidity N/A
Barometer29.908 inHg


Sunrise: 05:54:32 AM
Sunset: 07:39:07 PM
Moon Phase: Full
(100% full)


wind Wind Vector

Since Midnight

High Temperature63.1°F04:18:39 PM
Low Temperature44.8°F12:00:01 AM
High Heat Index63.1°F04:18:39 PM
Low Wind Chill41.7°F12:26:04 AM
High Dewpoint50.2°F01:17:43 PM
Low Dewpoint39.0°F12:50:30 AM
High Humidity88%07:49:03 AM
Low Humidity59%04:21:35 PM
High Barometer30.084 inHg12:00:01 AM
Low Barometer29.867 inHg03:38:03 PM
Today's Rain0.00 in
High Rain Rate0.00 in/h12:00:01 AM
High Wind17 mph 298°01:31:37 PM
Average Wind2 mph
RMS Wind3 mph
Vector Average Speed5 mph
Vector Average Direction295°
High Inside Temperature78.2°F05:22:00 PM
Low Inside Temperature74.4°F02:24:01 AM
Hi Wind barometer temperatures


This station uses a VantageVue, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

Weewx uptime: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 26 Minutes
Server uptime: 105 Days, 9 Hours, 57 Minutes
weewx v3.6.2